

The core of textile manufacture is fabric production. Fabrics can be created in many different ways, the most common being weaving, knitting or through production of non-woven fabrics.

Best Price

Geotextile(แผ่นใยสังเคราะห์) จัดเป็นสิ่งทอสังเคราะห์ (Textile) มีลักษณะเป็นแผ่นใยสังเคราะห์ผืนใหญ่น้ำหนักเบา ทำให้เป็นผืนโดยการนำเส้นใยมาผลิตโดยตรง ไม่ต้องผ่านการทำให้เป็นเส้นด้ายก่อน เส้นใยสามารถยึดติดกันและทำให้แข็งแรงด้วยกระบวนการเชิงกล


Green Chemistry

Definition of Green Chemistry
Green Chemistry is the concept of applying basic principles that put safety in the use of chemicals first. The use of chemicals must not be toxic or cause minimal harm to those involved in the production process. Including consideration of preventing or reducing the release of toxic chemicals into the environment. By relying on the principles of selection of appropriate raw materials, planning and design of production and usage of products.

Benefits of Solvents in the Industrial World

What is a solvent?
In principle, solvents can be solids, liquids, and gases. Their duties are used to dissolve solutes (oil stains, rust stains, sludge and various scales) until they finally dissolve and become a solution by the ability to dissolve vary with “Amount of solvent” and “Temperature”.

Arrived in Thailand! Dow promotes innovation for smart car tires that can puncture themselves by ever patched a tire.

Dow Thailand Group (Dow), a world leader in Materials Science, launches an innovative silicone tire coating that allows tires to self-seal punctures. (Self-sealing Silicone) model “SiLASTIC™ SST-2650” helps increase safety and convenience for car users who may have sharp objects puncturing the tire. Because it can automatically seal tire punctures during driving. Helps increase the durability of tires, it is lightweight and can be recycled after the end of its life. They are ready to support Thai tire manufacturers today.